Message Board

This page is for those who would like to leave a comment or message,

I have recently changed the website look and have imported all previous comments left on the old message board to this page.

I have removed any private comments which were left on the old message board i have read all messages and replied or forwarded any information onto the police where necessary.

If you would like to leave a message you can do so in the comment section below.

I do check this page regularly however please use the contact form if you would like a reply to your message.

If you have any information on who killed my mum or if you would like to contact me directly or leave a private message please use this page to send me a private message,


Please also use the contact page to discuss further,



  1. bonjour, ton histoire m’a boulversйe suite а un article parrue en france j’ai appris ce qui c’est passй. Courage а toi .

  2. I am french so sorry for my english. But i was sad your story. I read in the magazine. And I find you very courageous. I hope the criminal will find. I just want to tell you. Good luck

  3. Hello, I’m french and I had read your story in a french magazine called “Dйtective”. I’m very sorry for you and you family but I’m sure you will find the killer(s) !! I’m very impressed by your steps of inquiry ! good luck for the next and continue like this, I’m with you ! Kiss

  4. Hey Danny. I like your Idea to create an Homepage. I’m realy hope for you, you will find the Murder of your Mum. greetings from Germany/Berlin

  5. I am French and j read your history and I has just wanted to say to you that I thought her audacious that you made not a lot nobody shall have it required from the bottom of heart with you and your family.

  6. j’espere que vous allez tous vite pouvoir faire le deuil de cette pauvre femme. courage !

  7. Man, I really respect what you have done with this site. And i am so sympathetic as to what happened. I dont know how you find the strength but you do. My heart goes out to you.

  8. sorry mate…

  9. Danny, what you are doing is fantastic, your mum would be so proud of you, good luck x

  10. hi danny woman hope u k i no u mum she was a

  11. catherine renshaw

    i am so sorry 2 hear about your nan i hope every1’s ok xxxx

  12. dannyyy jst reading ur story in the magazine made em cry n i hope whoever killed ur mom gets all the justice they deserved!

  13. hi, i hope justice is done, 2 leave this life so young is very unfair, and 2 leave behind 2 lilttle boy as well

  14. you’re an inspiration.

  15. i was reading yor story in a magazine and i feel truely sorry for you and your family although the killer of your mum has not yet been found i believe justice will be served in one way or another dont give up hope x

  16. Francis (Belgium)

    Good luck boy

  17. Justice will gain the victory, may your mum rest in peace and may you and your family find this peace.

  18. i from paris i hope you fund who killed you mum thake care

  19. Good luck mate and well done.

  20. Have posted your link and moms story at this site

  21. from canada Hi Daniel keep up the are doign your very best! that is my sister I will not give up! Doreen

  22. Hi Daniel..keep the are doing your very best!

  23. Hi Daniel..I want to send you strength and courage…Keep holding on ..never give up!

  24. I’ m from FRANCE. I read the history of the meutre of your mere on a magazine. I am really sorry for you, I do not understand why people can be also ugly for dared violated and killed a young woman sui ask for nothing… I get on well with you. Rest in peace Patricia xxx

  25. Hey danny, im really sorry about the death of your mother,i found this website on chat magazine, and i thought id give it a visit, The story is very sad indeed:/ .

  26. I’m sorry for you and I think that the killers are arrested but I hope that you can forgive there peoples.

  27. Salut Dany, je viens tout juste d’apprendre ton histoire en lisant le nouveau dйtective. Je ne sais pas si tu vas comprendre ma langue ou si tu sauras traduire mes pensйes, mais sache qu’il exste un Dieu, et que tфt ou tard,la vйritй finira par йclater un jour. Cent pour le voleur un jour pour le maоtre. Ne sois pas triste, aujourd’hui, ta maman est un ange, et lа oщ elle est, elle veille sur toi.

  28. hi you dont know me but i was surfing the web and found your video i hope you find your mums killer your mum will be proud and you have alot of curage and strengh to make this site may god be with you xo

  29. Hello Danny, a strong hug from Italy. It will not solve your problem unfortunately, but will help your soul a little.

  30. I’m a french girl and I read your story in a french magazine this morning. I just wanted to tell you that you’re doing a great job and I’m sur that your mum is very proud of you. I hope that the police will catch the men who killed your mum. Good luck, and be happy, that’s what your mum would have wanted.

  31. bonjour Dany,je viens de lire ton histoire dans un journal hebdomadaire en belgique,je voudrais te tirer mon chapeau pour ta parseverence dans la recherche du criminel de ta maman,je te souhaite beaucoup de courage

  32. I live in France. I only speak a little Inglish. I hope so that killers to be punish. If you want speak with me but too french, i give jou my mail and too MSN :

  33. hello danny i’m julie and i’m from in france, so i’m sorry for your mother and i read an article in the magazine.I admire your strength and courage.good luck danny…xxxx

  34. Bonjour, Je suis en France et j’ai pris connaissance de votre site et de cette triste affaire sur un magazine de la presse franзaise “le nouveau dйtective”. J’espиre que le meurtre de votre maman ne restera pas impunis. Je vous souhaite bon courage.Hello, I am in France and I read your site and this sad case on a magazine of the French press “the new detective.” I hope that the killing your mom will not remain unpunished. I wish you good luck. Jean-Michel

  35. Karima from France

    Even here in France, we heard how courageous you are. I’m sure your mum is proud of you where she is. cheers karima

  36. je te soutiens dans cette dure йpreuve, vivement que le tueur soit retrouvй ! il doit payer !

  37. whats happened to you and your mom is seriously messed up mate, believe me if i knew who had done this crime, i would knee cap them and bring them to you.

  38. Good Luck With Finding Your Mums Killers.. x

  39. alysson de (france)

    je suis contente que tu et retrouver se lui qui a fait du mal a ta maman elle et fiere de toi etmoi aussi gros bisous a toute votre famille amicalement alysson

  40. sylvie( belgique)

    j’ai decouvert votre histoire part le magasin detective,j’en nai eu les larme aux yeux,j’espere ke tu trouvera ceux ki ont briser votre vie,danny, ta maman est tres fiere de toi, je suis sur ke tu trouvera ceux ki ont fait sa et kil seront punis severement,je vous dis toute mes condoleance a toute la famille,gardez espoire, justice sera fette un jour,vous etes une famille unies , ke dieu vous protege a toute votre famille…..

  41. anne elodie, france

    bon courage! je suis sure que vous rйussirez un jour ou l’autre а vous libйrer de cee poids terrible! l’assassin sera trouvй et vous pourrez “tourner la page” sur ce drame et enfin pourrez aller de l’avant et faire votre vie! courage!!!

  42. Juste bon courage. une pensйe a ta maman

  43. I m french, and I m sorry for your mum and for you too. your friend in france

  44. Elly&Steve, Belgium

    Hi Danny, I’ve read an article about your story in a magazine yesterday and I am so sad for you. I wish you everything your heart desires, and I hope that the police will find the person who did this. I will pray for you, I promise. I am impressed of your courage. We wish you all the best and will remember your story. I’m sure your Mummy is so proud of you. Don’t stop what you’re doing. Elly and Steve from Belgium.

  45. nick williamson

    hi danny sorry to hear bout your mum it makes me sick how some1 could do that to a lady. i read about your story in a magazine i live in spain and i hope u find that person soon my regards nick

  46. je suis de tout coeur avec toi ne perd pas espoir ptit ange moi meme j ai un fils ton histoire m a fait de la peine et m a emue reste digne bonne chance

  47. I’m french and I have read your story on a diary. I know I can’t help you but I would like tell you good luck. I hope you understand my message I don’t speak very well english. I’m with you.

  48. I am sorry for your mother. When I have read her storie I’m cry. Your mum was a beautifull woman . How killed the child’s mother ?

  49. hello, my name is adeline. i’m french and i read your story and I wanted to say to you that I supports you and that I find you very strong.good luck to you

  50. j’ai lu votre temoignage et j’en suis bouleversй, je suis de tout coeur avec vous dans votre dйmarche…j’ai lu l’article dans un journal franзais et c’est terriblement йmouvant….bon courage…bisous

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