This page is for those who would like to leave a comment or message,
I have recently changed the website look and have imported all previous comments left on the old message board to this page.
I have removed any private comments which were left on the old message board i have read all messages and replied or forwarded any information onto the police where necessary.
If you would like to leave a message you can do so in the comment section below.
I do check this page regularly however please use the contact form if you would like a reply to your message.
If you have any information on who killed my mum or if you would like to contact me directly or leave a private message please use this page to send me a private message,
Please also use the contact page to discuss further,
Dear Danny:I come from a little island-TAIWAN~I am very sorry hear about the sad thing..I believe that your mum always loves and pertects you in the heaven~^^please take care by yourself!God bless you!
Hi Danny, your story struck Singapore’s papers yesterday. You are a brave boy, your mum will be so proud of you, I symphatise on her tragic death. Let’s look forward for justice to be done! Good luck!!
hello from singapore, just so you know. the articles really brought me to tears. i admire your courage, really. all the best to you
Hi, I am a chinese . I read the news and find the story are really a son in mourning.In my religion.The murder will be judgement whether in man’s world or the hell. I think you will find the murder . we all support you. although i lived very far from your town. and wish you good luck . god bless you.
hey danny, I pray that God will help you true your hardships. && i also hope you’ll find the your mum’s killer soon. do take care dude.!!?
What a wonderful thing you are doing! I am sure it is helpful for you too that people all over the world are thinking of you. Your Mother’s killer/s will be caught, have no doubt Danny.
You are a credit to your family. I, as well as many others, pray that justice will be meted out.
I have just read about your story in the New Zealand Herald. My heart breaks for you Danny and your family. I wish you every success in finding the evil person who did this to your Mum and your family. Your Mum would be so proud of the young man you have become. All the very best.
I wish I had all the answers you’re looking for but, unfortunately I don’t. I just wanted to say I’m so sorry this happened to you and I hope one day justice will be served. Your mom would be so proud of you and my heart goes out to you and your entire family. I hope you’re okay! If you ever need a friend, everyone is here for you! <3 Good luck, Danny.
hi danny i read u artical in chat mag and my heart goes out to u i just had to visit ur site and send u my love and say i so hope whoever stole your mum from u pays for what they did i wish u all the best and hope u get justice for ur mum all the best im thinking off u gaynor rees and famiy xxx
hope you’ll have Justice,my friend..hope the police caught the criminal regards,Gianni
Im very sorry to her about your mum, all the best in finding what you are looking for. . . you mum would be very proud of you, i read about you in the herald sun, good luck take care xx o
i really hope they find out wh killed your mum and well done for being so determined yourself
Caro Danny, sono una mamma italiana di Verona, mi commuove la tua storia, ti auguro di trovare l’assasino della tua cara mamma. Non arrendert vedrai che ci riuscirai
Italy is near you
Hi Danny, Read about you in our papers, the thug that did that to your mum will get caught .DNA results will convict them , they won’t be able to hide much longer. Your mum will be watching over you and be so proud of you, what a wonderful person you have turned out to be, you will get closure they can’t hide forever. God Bless you.
danny my heart go’s out to you your mum would be so proud of you you are sobrave its unreal cya soon love ya sophie leigh s5 xXxXxXxXxXx
hallo danny, i’m italian but i live in the netherland, here we have a program on television about the cold caseand it’s a bit naif but there are 2 medium wich are helping very well the investigations in some of those case afther several years the police was able to discover the crime. god bless you gino
Hello Danny i read your story in chat. I just wanted to say i have no idea how you are feeling but i hope you find justice for what happened to your mum and i wish you all the best in life. Im sure your mum would be very proud of you!
i saw youur story in a magazine today, i was sat in the dentist + refused to go in until i had read it all, + to be honest this world has so many sick people, +what your doing for your mum now is just amazing. [
I erite tihs message to florence(Italy).I’m a mother of 55 years old,and I fell your pain…I hope that you find the truth…You are a boy very brave…good luck for a happy future live,with love stefania
Hello, I’m from germany and today I have seen a report on television. Takes me with your story and I am very sorry. I hope that justice will prevail. I wish you good luck!
i am fraom Germany and i read your story . i hope you will find the murder !!!!!
Hi Danny, Myself and my family would like to tell you how very proud your mum would be of you, i would also like to let you know that through your efforts this very very sad case looks like it is coming to a closer for you and your family. Well done Danny you should be very proud of yourself, god bless you, our thoughts are with you, now and always.xx
read about your case in some swiss newspaper and wish you only the best, full success in your search and that not only god can judge that person. i am sure your mum is very proud of you. maybe you can finally free her…
Danny, I wish you every luck in finding the animals that killed your mum..she would be very proud of you for what you are doing. keep strong mate, justice will be served in this life or the next.
hi Danny I’m crystal from Taiwan.i saw the news about ur mum and u! I think u r very good!and I must send u some support to u!what u did is affected everyone around this world! even me~from a far far place!good luck Danny!It will come true soon what u want!
Hi Denny I’m an italian girl and I found this web site thanks google… I want to tell you that you’re an angel and I’m sure that your mum is very proud for all you do… I hope that you will find this orrible person… You’re a lovely boy, good luck for all baby… you’re amazing!!!!! With love, Claudia… xxx
Hey Danny ! Nice idea, i hope you will get good information, and the best wishes from me for you !!!
Hello Danny! My name’s Silvia, I’m an italian girl and I’m 29 years hold. I live in Viterbo, near Rome. Good luck for your truth research, I think that you are very brave!!! Sorry for my bad english. Kisses, Sissy.
I support you,my faraway friend.
Hi Danny, I’am so so sorry. You out put up a good fight. Good luke and cheer up. I give you some very nice greetings! Jessica (Germany – Berlin)
???,?????the two must pay for this,be certain of that.
hi. i am a girl from germany. i have seen your story on television. the team from rtl reported about you and how strong you are. i think it is realls fantastic what you do with this page. i wish you all luck in the world. i hope you find this persons witch do this with your mum! good luck!!!
Good luck Danny. I thought you might like to know they have evenn written about your website on an Italian news website.
Hi Danny,
Ciao, tieni duro ragazzo e…. vai avanti!!!
Best wishes to you and the police in the hunt for the person responsible.
hey, i just read your story in chat magazine, and i am really sorry to hear what happened to your mum,im sure many people are saying the same things, but i feel awful for you and i am sure your mum loved you alot, as any mother would. there are some monesters in this world, and your mum didnt deserve something so terrible to happen to your family. My thoughts are with you, as im sure many other peoples are 🙂 x
and yeah never give up in life ..okae:D
ooh i feel so touched
I’m from Australia, and I read an article in a newspaper about your loss. My condolences go out to your family.xx
Hello, I’m Gabro. I’ve seen your site in italian newspaper…Good luck, your mum will be proud… A huge from Italy.
i just want to wish you all the luck in the world in finding the person/s involved
Good luck for your research and for your life. Andrea – Italia
buona fortuna danny
i’ m italian, i have 24 years old and my english is not good… oggi ho sentito alla tv il servizio che parlava di tua madre. spero con tutto il cuore che le bestie che si sono macchiate di un delitto del genere, possano un giorno essere preda della giustizia divina… quello che hai fatto e che fai tu puт essere considerato normale, perchи era tua madre, ma non и da tutti avere un coraggio simile… spero un giorno tu possa avere tutte le risposte che cerchi… good luck danny.
Good Luck! God bless you.
From Canada, sorry for your mum, you have a great idea about your webpages, hope this can help to find the murder. Take care, xxx