This page is for those who would like to leave a comment or message,
I have recently changed the website look and have imported all previous comments left on the old message board to this page.
I have removed any private comments which were left on the old message board i have read all messages and replied or forwarded any information onto the police where necessary.
If you would like to leave a message you can do so in the comment section below.
I do check this page regularly however please use the contact form if you would like a reply to your message.
If you have any information on who killed my mum or if you would like to contact me directly or leave a private message please use this page to send me a private message,
Please also use the contact page to discuss further,
Hey Dannyg, How terrible this happened ! I have lived in Southey since June 2015 ! Originally from Leeds !
Having done some study in Criminology, I have since been interested in historical crimes as each has it’s own story even when similar in offence.
The face of the scruffy chap , do you know if Police ever took that picture around the Psychiatric Wards or hostels within the city ?
Hi Toby, I’m not sure as to what extent the e-fit is of importance today to the police or how much they tried to locate the man in the photo, I have brought it up during meetings with our SIO. I’m positive the current detectives are not looking into this man due to other lines of inquiry.
When it states the lady was stabbed; do we know the actual weapon? I’m sorry I do not mean to upset anybody it’s just it has not been stated.
Hello Ian the weapon was never recovered we do know it was a knife big enough to cause serious injury, which is why the final cause of death is unknown the many acts to kill my mum could have lead to her death.
I really feel for you and your family mate wish i could help you in anyway the police need to do there job and find the discusting monster who did this good luck my friend and take care.
My daughter was murdered 12 years ago we are in the same position as you different police force same lack of caring no updates no progress, just keep pushing for media attention.Good luck hope you get your justice
Thank you john. Wish you all the luck with your daughters investigation its a sad world we live in but hopefully one day we will both get justice.I have read of your daughters murder previously its hard making appeals but keep the strength by fighting on never give up its hard but remember why your fighting. Hope her children manage to live on happily its hard without your mum but to find out what has happened later on really hurts the most. All the Best Danny.
The not knowing is awful. I wish you all the best luv, in your quest to find answers. I truly hope one day you’ll find some sort of closure.
I still miss you and think of you every day Aunty Pat, you were the kindest most wonderful woman to ever grace this earth. I hope you are proud of me and how I am bringing my little girl up (who by the way has your fiery temper)
she is so like you it’s amazing. It is like you have come back in mini form. I love you forever and a day and cannot wait until we meet again some day. We will find that evil scum who hurt you, don’t ever worry about that. It may take forever but the piece of scum will be found and brought to justice. I love you more than anything. You were one in a milion.

god bless your soul , RIP pat
We want to help in your mission to launch a national appeal to find your mums killer(s)I have posted on our facebook on Twitter have sent message to BBC Crimewatch to request Pats case is submitted.We are based in Sheffield and do whatever we can to help you. Take careYour Good Mourning shop & community resource centre358 South Raod, Walkley, Sheffield S6 3TE[T] 0114 2333448
i knew pat to speak to and she was a harmless soul i was living on adrian at the tym i wish u all the luck in the world u are a very inteligent lad goodluck for the future TAKE CARE TO U AND UR FAM !!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 GODBLESS SHE IS LOOKING DOWN AND SMILING TO U YOU WILL MEET AGEN …