21st August 2020 15:48
With a generous offer from Huge Media Advertising Liverpool, We have today been able to raise further awareness of the Crimestoppers reward offer for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for my mother’s murder.
This is the 2nd time Huge media have offered their service this month but i was able to come along and take some pictures and videos
There’s still time to speak up as charity Crimestoppers extended our £10,000 reward offer over my mum Patricia Grainger’s murder for three more months
This reward will expire after 17 November 2020.
Some would probably be amazed how hard it is to try to get media attention on an Unsolved Murder investigation even with the help of Crimestoppers but from my own experience unless there chasing a story not many want to know.
Back in 2008, I had lots of media contact (big names too), hounding me for an interview offering money for my story (Young lad hopes to nail mum’s killer with website ect)
Though this really wasn’t aimed at the right places the media was there, but the actual murder of my mum felt like it was pushed to the side.
However, with this Huge Media Advan, we have been able to provide a focus on my mum’s murder investigation and do so within the local community with or without help from media outlets this is a greatly appreciated gesture from Huge Media.
My mum Patricia Grainger was 25 years old when she was attacked and murdered in august of 1997.
Her body was found semi-naked on Sunday 10 August 1997 at Hartley Brook Dike, Parson Cross
My mum had learning disabilities and had been missing from home for almost a week before her body was discovered under a divan bed base by some youth’s playing in the area.
Since then I have pleaded with the police to do more on my mum’s investigation but unless information comes in then they’re not going to look for the answers.
The amount of Senior Investigating officers that have been on the case since 2008 i couldn’t count with both hands but each has made false promises to do more or make progress which never surfaces.
I was informed last august when trying to contact the SIO that the current SIO involved has now retired as a police officer but has been employed by South Yorkshire Police to manage the Major Incident Review Team (MIRT) so remains in charge of my mother’s murder investigation.
Dave Stopford from the Major Incident Review Team (MIRT) Said:
We have looked into the other information that you sent following the Star appeal and we will also be assessing any opportunities to progress the investigation by means of forensic submissions. As you will appreciate forensic techniques continue to evolve and improve and so further opportunities arise. These are often complex and we therefore work very closely with a forensic scientist who advises us on this work. August 13th 2019
Following this contact from Dave Stopford, I had requested when these forensic submissions may take place.
Dave Stopford from the Major Incident Review Team (MIRT) Said:
You may have seen in the press that the forensic services provider Eurofins suffered a ransomeware attack some weeks ago. That is the company that does our forensic work. This has not affected the security of any of our investigations but it meant that they had to close down their operations for over a month. This has left them with a backlog of work that needs to be processed for cases that are going to trial at court . The courts will not accept delays. They are having to prioritise that work and are therefore not currently accepting cold case work. I am assured that this will be a short term delay and we will discuss submissions with our scientist in the meantime. August 19th 2019
I again reach out twice to South Yorkshire police to see when it may be possible to submit the forensic opportunities.
Nick Lynskey Investigations Officer Responded:
In relation to the detail around forensic opportunities, this is a complicated process requiring lengthy discussion with scientists, taking time to develop before any formal decision is reached.
When there is information to share you will receive an update. November 18th 2019

Then in May this year, I again tried to reach out to South Yorkshire police,
But at the present time, we are still awaiting answers with this.
This is why we are trying our best to publicize the reward on offer through Crimestoppers as much as we can as if nothing comes from forensic’s we need people to come forward and like today we have been able to further reach more people in the parson cross area.
I urge... anyone who may have previously contacted the police but felt they weren’t listening, or who may have not wanted to approach the police for fear of retaliation or anything else that you can come forward with this information and hand it to Crimestoppers, Securely and anonymously either by phone on 0800 555 111 or the Crimestoppers website: www.Crimestoppers-uk.org
Please continue to share the website, Facebook post ect. Thank you.