Little Danny waits for the mum he’ll never see again
15th August 1997
HEARTBROKEN five-year-old Danny Grainger today sits on the steps outside his home – desperate to see his mummy again.
But she’s never coming back.
Pat, aged 25, was the woman murdered and dumped in a sheffield brook five days ago. She was sexually attacked, stabbed and strangled.
Her little boy now has been told of her death. But he is struggling to under-stand.
Danny keeps asking where his mummy is and when she will be back.
Today Pat’s mum harmina and step dad Roy Wright spoke publicly for the first time to The Star and urged anyone who knows the killer to come forwad – if only for Danny’s Sake.
A police hunt involving 80 officers has so far failed to trace the killer of Pat, who had a mental age of ten.
Roy and Harmina Say Danny, who they now plan to adopt, has inspired them to be strong over the brutal murder of their ‘happy girl’.
At their home on Buchanan Road, Parson Cross, they cuddled Danny as Roy said: “He’s been asking where she is. He can’t grasp what’s happened. “He’s our angel, He’s all we’ve got left. We’re just glad she had him because he is a part of her we still have with us.”
Roy, who moved in when Pat was a baby and whom she called ‘dad’ added: “Having Danny helps us to cope because we’ve got to be strong for him.”
Harmina said: “The worst thing is Danny and Pat’s relationship would have improved as he got older and they enjoyed doing the same things together.”
Pat, who lived with them, was missing for almost a week before two schoolboys found her body. half hidden under a mattress, in a brook, not far from her home, last sunday.
Pat’s sister sharon, 22, appealed for more information: “you might think that what you’ve seen or know doesn’t matter, but it does. I feel sick and angry.
#Police: Sheffield 101
This article is from august 15th 1997 i typed the article up and have updated the contact numbers for the police. back in 1997 we thought my mum was found under a mattress this has later been confirmed as a divan bed base.